People Change, Time's Change, And it Will Always Keep Changing.. As the fact, Every Living Things In This Earth Change.. It's Nature!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Wonder why?


okay, today post i want  to write it in English...

Alhamdulillah.. yesterday activities is a total success because everyone doing their part well..
and i would like to give a very great appreciation to those who are
supporting and helping the committee...
Every Successful project come with a sacrifice.. 
My friends and i here almost sacrifice everything...
and then, i started to think... is anyone ever appreciate our sacrifice?

So, yesterday and another yesterday.. last month... last semester..
i have doing my greatest job... fulfilling the people want..
but, when i doing what are they wanted are they understand?
what have i have been through, my friends and others?
did they?

I write this post, with a great disappointment.. because when i realise it,
i'm not living my life.. and i know why...
i'm really thankful to Allah. I really "syukur" to Allah..
because give a test, and it is very great test that i have to face...

i will continue to write it later.. because i have to to the class..

To be Continue............................

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tired Day


Hari ni rasa penat sangat tp x rasa excited or happy..
mungkin kerana beberapa benda yang dirisaukan dah dekat...
tambah plak, lecturer marah kat aku hari ni,

Terasa tekanan yang amat sangat..
Hanya Allah Subhanallah yang tahu perasaan aku sekarang..
Itu la, bila ade tanggungjawab mmg susah kita nak lari dan
juga susah kita nak ade life kat campus,

Teringat pesan abah, abah cakap jangan sibuk sangat dengan Persatuan ni,
Nanti kamu merana... pelajaran kamu terabai..
Nanti result kamu teruk... susah nak sambung belajar,
Abah dah ade contoh, kamu beringat la..

So, aku pun sentiasa igt pesan abah ni...
selalu jadi panduan hidup aku yang penuh dgn cabaran.
oleh itu, aku dapat rakan yang sangat baik di sisi,
jasa beliau akan aku igt sampai aku mati...

lebeh lagi, i will always get the support from ALLAH SWT..
Selagi kita igt Allah disisi kita akan dipermudahkan oleh Nya.
x lupa juga pada "Bulan@Moon" yang selalu temankan aku....
pada waktu malam & selalu bagi motivasi pada diriku..
ketika aku jatuh, terjelepuk.. dia akan membantu aku bangun..
aku bersyukur, Allah memberikan aku nikmat -nikmat ini...

Banyak lagi nak cakap... tp kita stop sampai sini dulu...
Mlm dah jadi Pagi.. eheheeh..
Nanti kita sambung erk..


My BloG PicTure!

My BloG PicTure!